

  • I am a 77 year old woman who four years ago began having pain in my left hip that was beginning to hinder my ability to do things. I do not do well with conventional medications and thought that maybe seeing a chiropractor would be worth a try. My husband went with me and we were both impressed with Dr. Genstil.

    Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made and he has learned how all the parts of the body are connected and work together and he is able to observe the body and how it is moving or not. His ability to 'see' helps him to determine not just the pain symptom,
    but also determine where the cause of the pain is stemming from.

    He then can treat accordingly and give relief. I have had several issues over the 4 years I've been seeing him and he's been able to help me a lot to keep me moving. Arthritis in my hip was the cause of the pain and I did recently need a full hip replacement.

    Dr. Genstil did not hesitate to tell me when it was time.
    We were also impressed that he is a doctor who strongly believes in natural means of healing. He has done extensive research inte supplements and is able to recommend some from the best places around the world to help his patients.

    Dr. Genstil is a kind, compassionate and generous man.
    I carry his card with me and whenever my husband and I meet someone that we think could benefit from chiropractic treatment we offer them the chance to see a doctor whom we consider to be "Dr. Incredible."

    Show More - Joanne | Putnam Station, NY
  • When I started going to Dr. Tom, I was having migraines, on average, multiple times a week for about 20 years. I was living on excedrine or prescription migraine medication, which often made me feel sick and wouldn't even work half the time. As a teacher I'm used to being on my feet all day, and switching to virtual teaching and sitting down during covid put my migraines over the edge. A friend recommended Dr. Tom, and within a few short weeks my migraines were cut in half. After a few months and until presently (3 years) my migraines are so infrequent I can hardly remember the last time I had one, and even when they have popped up they are significantly less intense. Dr. Tom also manages my back pain I've had my whole life that I never realised was as bad as it was, since I didn't know what a "normal" pain-free back even felt like before him. 

    Dr. Tom is extremely knowledgeable and will always find something that works to get you out of pain. He's dedicated to the people that see him and goes above and beyond to ensure you're always feeling your best. If you are considering a chiropractor for the first time, I cannot encourage you more to go to Dr. Tom, he essentially gave me my life back and I'm so thankful for him and to the friend who pushed me to try chiropractic services with him. If you are looking for a new chiropractor, Dr. Tom will surely exceed your expectations in every way! 

    Show More - Michelle | Albany, NY
  • I am 58 years old. I’ve been an athlete from middle school through Division I College Football. I have done physical work my entire life. I have never met any doctor or medical practitioner that understands the systems of the human body, and their interrelationships, in a way that Dr. Genstil does. 
       While sitting in on an appointment with my wife, he asked me how long I’d been having shoulder problems. He has an incredible eye as I was wearing a winter jacket at the time!  I had suffered an injury to my right shoulder 10 months earlier, not to mention previous football injuries some 26+ years ago. 
       Dr. Genstil successfully treated my injuries but what was most profound was his intentional treatment of an old injury to my left knee to achieve additional positive outcomes to my right shoulder.  This led to restoring my full range of motion and nearly full restoration of strength. I have referred several friends to him that have also had great results and wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Tom Genstil to anyone having issues with their ability to function.

    Show More - Chuck C. | Kinderhook, NY
  • I have been seeing Dr. Tom Genstil for several years now as a referral from another doctor.  I am personally astounded at how effective his treatments have been for me, and in such a short amount of time.  I suffered a concussion several years ago that left me with fatigue, balance issues, and cognitive deficits, among other things.  Dr. Genstil has, in addition to treating previous ailments, given me exercises and recommended specific tools & nutritional supplements to use at home, that have helped strengthen my body more than any other PT I’ve had prior to seeing him.  Dr. Genstil has helped me to live a higher quality of life.  Thank you Dr. Genstil!

    Show More - Nancy C. | Kinderhook, NY
  • Sam

    Dr. Genstil is the best chiropractor in the Albany area. I've been seeing him for years to treat my pain that I was told wouldn't get better. Dr. Genstil has given me the tools and treatment to feel like myself again, and a hope for a future without pain!

    - Samuel L. | Albany, NY



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